About Children of Zululand

Children of Zululand was founded by Thore Hopperstad. Since 2010 he was the director of a norwegian health care company, Melaas AS. This company also had a charity organization in South Africa, called Barnehjelp Afrika (Child care Africa). After getting to know the charity work initiated by Barnehjelp Afrika and the founder, Per Steinar Melaas, Thore desided to continue his charity work in Zululand, even after he left his position with the Melaas AS company. Thore's charity work in Zululand celebrated 10 years in 2020.

From start the organization has focused on children and disabled. The organization fund money to build individual houses, to support schools and kinder gardens, to support students, to organize individual sponsorships and much more. We are now in the process of opening an orphanage outside Eshowe, which is the main area for our organization.

Every year, normally in February, but also by demand, Thore organize a safari- and adventure trip to South Africa's Zululand, where anyone who want can sign up. Normally the group of delegates are 5 to 10. They hire a bus and travel around in the Zululand district, visiting houses the organization has built or organized the construction of, sponsored children and their families, schools, kinder gardens, orphanages, rural areas and townships, partners and co-workers. A few days the program of the trip is leisure oriented and is all about safari drives and big adventures, seeing and interacting with wild animals, walking the streets with the hippos, boat safari, guided tours at great destinations and sights - just packed with impressions when going home.

Children of Zululand is organized as an npo-ngo and has it's own board. Thore is chairman of the board. The other board members are: Ola Hopperstad and Guri Hopperstad (sister and twin brother of Thore).

Below, you will find some of our videos. Please enjoy!

We have new e-mail address; post@childrenofzululand.com. For english subtitles, chose the Text button on the video or go to settings.

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