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Children of Zululand

What does Children of Zululand’s work mean to the area? An interview with Linda de Lange

Linda is the general manager for Zululand Home for the Aged, and a long term partner and manager of Children of Zululand's South Africa office. We had a chat with her about the work she does for the community, and what Children of Zululand’s work means to the area, an area where she herself grew up and lived most of her life.

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In loving memory of cebolenkosi - a true story about a young childs destiny

Elizabeth sent us a letter: "Please, one of my neighbours is an elderly lady and her multi disabled grand son, age 11 - can you help them? They live in a one-room stone shack with no door or window, no water and no electricity. The boys name is Cebolenkosi and he was born with multiple sclerosis and needs to help with everything. He can hardly sit, he can't stand or walk, he can't talk and he needs to be fed. He is tied to the bed 24/7. Can you build a house for Cebolenkosi? He won't stand much of a chance for a long life, but he really needs help to get some decent remaining years.

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Even the smallest help has great value!

Regardless of how you help; donation, sponsoring a child or a family, fundraising, voluntary work, build a house, pay for a school uniform, join in on our trips or create your own activity for the purpose of helping or funding Children of Zululand - THANK YOU!

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