We build indivual houses by request, especially to very poor orphan children and disabled. By request means that we don't deside who needs a new home, we make such desicions in cooperation with local authorities and local chiefs. Building a house in the rural areas of Zululand is quite simple, when we have the plot to build on. The plot is handed over by the local chief, to the person or family we build for. Children of Zululand is not the owner of any property in South Africa. We build as a donation. The houses are quite simple, with 2-3 rooms and prepared for an extra shower-room. In most cases we build the shower-room with water installed, but in a few cases that is not possible in the actual area. We will then install a water-tank on the outside, to prepare for later installation of water into the house. Electricity and light will always be installed. If relevant we will build a concrete pattio outside, for wheel-chair access. Rural areas in Zululand don't have a sewage system, so we cannot include toilets in our buildings. The prices on building a rural house has increased over the last few years and will cost somewhere between NOK 50-100.000, depending on size, area and currency/exchange rate situation.
As a sponsor of a new individual home, you can chose to contribute with a partial donation or you can chose to donate for the house alone. This means that some of the houses we build have only 1 sponsor, others have multiple sponsors. Some of the houses even have local sponsors as part sponsors. This can be a local foundation or organization or a local contractor or business connection.